KWA Partners

전화번호: 902-423-4400
다른번호: 1-877-423-9280
팩스: 902-423-4403
주소: 133 Prince William St, Saint John, NB, Canada
우편번호: E2L 2B5
도시 : Saint John
지방에: 뉴 브 런 즈윅
지도: 보기 큰지도
Employment Agencies
Web Directory No.LK-270470-9635
KWA Partners is one of Canada’s leading providers of quality, personalized career management services.

We form a seamless partnership of locally owned and operated offices and share a common set of values and beliefs. Our unique structure combines the benefits of strong local market knowledge with the flexibility of national coverage.

We have:
•Over 30 years of experience in career management
•Supported over 1,000 different client organizations across Canada
•Clients in business sectors such as: financial services, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, not-for-profit, high-tech, retail, agriculture and food, just to name a few.
•Programs tailored to the needs of individuals at all levels: executives, professionals, mid-level managers and support personnel.

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