Arnscott Electronics Inc.

전화번호: 519-848-1100
팩스: 519-848-1101
주소: 211 Smith Street, P.O. Box 250, Arthur, Ontario, Canada
우편번호: N0G 1A0
지방에: 온타리오
지도: 보기 큰지도
Web Directory No.LK-33697-4533
Arnscott Electronics Inc. was established in 1982 as a leading supplier in the commercial sound industry. Since this start date, we have become one of Canada's leading suppliers to the life safety market, manufacturing product that is used in most large commercial property and residential high rise buildings as components of the voice / visual life safety alarm system.

Arnscott Electronics is a true manufacturer. We do a total full circle job, starting at market research, true internal R&D / Engineering, to the finished product on the manufacturing floor, then into our distribution chain. Arnscott manufactures 75% of all products that we sell, this gives us the flexibility to change and improve product on an ongoing basis.

We are listed at ULC(Underwriters laboratories of Canada) and soon to be a listed with UL(Underwriters Laboratories, USA).

In 2007 we moved the manufacturing, warehousing and administration to Arthur Ontario. The building is considerably larger than the Mississauga location, more space than we have ever had in the history of the company! It's our goal to find better ways to invest in the company in order to keep our costs low, enabling us to keep products and services competitive in the long run.
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