Ronnoco Sales Ltd.

전화번호: 519-893-2200
다른번호: 1-800-268-5082
팩스: 519-893-3010
주소: 550 Trillium Drive, Unit #1, Kitchener, Ontario
우편번호: N2R 1K3
지방에: 온타리오
지도: 보기 큰지도
Web Directory No.LK-45387-5861
Ronnoco Sales Ltd. Is the Master Franchise holder for Samson lubrication equipment in Canada. Samson Corporation is a manufacturer of bulk fluid dispensing packages, fluid inventory and management systems, lubrication equipment, control handles, oil drains, hose reels, extraction and evacuation products, specialty fluid dispensing roll-a-round units, shop furniture, and various other types of equipment.

Located in Kitchener, Ontario Ronnoco Sales has established Master Distributors in strategic locations across Canada. Each distribution center is complete with a fully stocked warehouse, emergency service, and installation capabilities. Ronnoco continues to develop unique products to expand and enhance the Samson equipment offering. Our TankMaster, FillMaster, Cubets, Digital Fluid Control Systems, and complete BOSS (Bulk Oil Storage Systems) are in wide use across North America and support our "Tank to tank and everything in between" philosophy.

Ronnoco Sales Ltd. is a privately owned company that is dedicated to servicing the automotive aftermarket with world class products and services. Our range of products enables customers to efficiently handle lubricants and fluids in automotive, industrial, agricultural, mining and construction applications.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service now and in the future.
** 어떤 정보가 오류를보고 싶다면, 제발, 당신은 페이지의 콘텐츠를 업데이 트하려는 경우, 우리에게 세부 정보를 제공해 주시기 바랍니다.