Rosmar Welding Inc.

전화번호: 519-822-9905
팩스: 519-822-1110
담당자: Tara Amatruda
주소: 425 Elizabeth St, Guelph, ON
우편번호: N1E 2Y2
지방에: 온타리오
지도: 보기 큰지도
Web Directory No.LK-45679-2950
Rosmar Welding is a family owned and operated company providing Guelph, Kitchener Waterloo, Cambridge and other locations within Southern Ontario and the GTA with custom metal fabrication for over 30 years.

Our 12,000 square foot shop located in Guelph, Ontario is equipped with:

*GMAW, TIG and SMAW Welders
*2-5 ton crane bays
*165 ton press brake
*1/2" x 10'-0" Plate Shear
*Plate Rolls
*88 ton Iron Worker
*Hydraulic Pipe Bender
*Band Saws
*Plasma and Flame Cutting

Our shop staff is comprised of highly skilled individuals. All welders are CWB Certified and maintain their certification with continuous testing and training.

Rosmar Welding provides Design Build services for the commercial, industrial, institutional and residential industries. Our portfolio of Design Build projects include:

*Complete Steel Building Structures
*Stair Towers
*Lifting Beams
*House Beams

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