Mosur Machine Co. Ltd.

전화번호: 905-677-1404
다른번호: 1-866-329-6319
팩스: 905-678-6689
주소: 7040 Torbram Rd., Unit 7, Mississauga, Ontario
우편번호: L4T 3Z4
지방에: 온타리오
지도: 보기 큰지도
Web Directory No.LK-2382-4540
For over 40 years, Mosur Machine Co. Ltd. has provided total turn-key solutions for a wide range of companies requiring food processing equipment and food grade lubricants. With a number of reputable partners, and as qualified machine designers and stainless steel custom food processing equipment manufacturers, Mosur has developed a reputation for providing efficient service, design, installation, and maintenance of food processing machinery. As a single-source supplier, Mosur Machine Co. is ideally positioned to save you time and money in your plant's operation.

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