Wrangler West Energy Corp.

웹사이트: www.wranglerwest.ca
전화번호: 403-290-6800
팩스: 403-269-9295
주소: Ste 1950 444-5th Ave Southwest, Calgary, AB, Canada
우편번호: T2P 2T8
도시 : 캘거리
지방에: 앨버타
지도: 보기 큰지도
Electric Lamps
Environmental Controls
Manufacturing Industries, Nec
Natural Gas Distribution
Combination Utilities, Nec
Web Directory No.LK-105124-6422
Wrangler West Energy Corp. (Wrangler West) is a junior oil and natural gas exploration company. The Company's primary business activity is the exploration for, development and production of, crude oil and natural gas in the Province of Alberta, Canada. Wrangler West's production base is approximately 85% natural gas.

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