Silchem Inc.

전화번호: 905-709-5867
다른번호: 1-877-745-2436
팩스: 905-709-5942
주소: 200 Granton Dr, Richmond Hill, ON
우편번호: L4B 1H7
도시 : 리치몬드 힐
지방에: 온타리오
지도: 보기 큰지도
Web Directory No.LK-47991-2945
Who We Are....

SILCHEM Silicone Chemicals is a manufacturer and formulator of silicone based fluids, emulsions, anti-foams and specialty mold release agents. These silicone products offer unique, unmatched properties in comparison to traditional organic based materials.

With 30 years in the industry, SILCHEM continues to specialize in "Silicone Chemicals" and other
related silicone products.
We are committed to supplying sophisticated proven products to satisfy our customers' needs through our expert technical service team.

A Vision for the Future

We have the courage to take risks and to support and meet the needs of our customers, our employees and the environment. Our objectives are:
To be a leader in our strategic market segments through product diversification, flexibility and continuous adaptation to the marketplace.
To continue in the development and implementation of new technologies.
To be a proactive enterprise providing proven technologies and intelligently formulated products.
To continue to develop long term partnerships.

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