Century Auto Electric

웹사이트: www.centuryautoelectric.c...
전화번호: 519-756-3595
주소: 1147 Colborne St. East, Brantford, On
우편번호: N3T 5M1
지방에: 온타리오
지도: 보기 큰지도
Web Directory No.LK-26538-4546
Since 1979 Century Auto Electric has been a rebuilder of starters and alternators. We have more experience than anyone in the Brantford area.

Since 2000 we now have a full line of NEW complete alternators and starters. We still rebuild and repair because of price, availability and sometimes the unit can't be reliably identified.

Commercial equipment such as trucks, construction equipment and forklifts sometimes have special needs that require environment-proofing or upgrades of higher-performance components, which we can spec-out and do.

Of course we also rebuild for the antique and classic cars.

We know and understand the wiring to the alternator, starter, generator and voltage regulator, should a customer have problems we can help.

Because of our experience we are much more than just a starter alternator sales store.

Generally speaking we attempt to keep our pricing at or below the local market.

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