Green Shield Canada - Vancouver

전화번호: 604-444-4408
다른번호: 1-800-665-1494
팩스: 604-444-4413
주소: 3433 North Road, Suite 220, Burnaby, BC
우편번호: V3J 0A9
도시 : 버나비
지방에: 브리티시 컬럼비아
지도: 보기 큰지도
Manufacturing Industries, Nec
Detective and Armored Car Services
Web Directory No.LK-15802-19323
As specialists in health and dental benefit program management, we deliver a powerful combination of benefit solutions and leading-edge systems and technology. Our specialized focus allows us to be really good at what we do. This translates into customized and flexible programs that safeguard plan member health while providing the accuracy and expertise necessary for plan sponsors to realize measurable cost savings and guarantee the long term sustainability of their benefit plan. Our comprehensive suite of plan design options, ranging from basic health care protection to comprehensive and deluxe coverage, includes:

Traditional and Flexible Benefits – Dental, Drug and Extended Health
Travel Benefits
Health Care Spending Account
Personal Spending Account
Employee Assistance Program
Passport to Health™ Portfolio
Innovative claim management strategies, advanced technology, exceptional customer service – it’s all part of the package.

As a Canadian, you have access to medical care though your provincial government health insurance plan. But this does not mean that you have all the health care coverage that you need. With governments cutting back on the medical services that they provide, it is important to protect yourself from unexpected medical expenses and the rising costs of day-to-day health and dental services.

And, if you are self-employed or own a small business, health and dental premiums may be a non-taxable benefit and a tax deductible expense. For others, the premiums may qualify as a medical expense and create a tax credit.
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