Université de Saint-Boniface

웹사이트: www.ustboniface.mb.ca
전화번호: 204-233-0210
다른번호: 1-888-233-5112
팩스: 204-237-3240
주소: 200 De La Cathedrale Ave, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
우편번호: R2C 0A1
도시 : 위니펙
지방에: 매니토바
지도: 보기 큰지도
Manufacturing Industries, Nec
Stationery Stores
Colleges and Universities
Administration of Educational Programs
Web Directory No.LK-267359-29319
Université de Saint-Boniface is the only French-language university in the province of Manitoba, Canada. Founded in 1818, it was the first postsecondary educational institution in Western Canada. Today, it offers first-class general and specialized university degree programs as well as technical and professional training that enhances employability in the current job market.

Located in Winnipeg's charming French quarter, USB contributes actively to the vitality and development of French-speaking communities in Manitoba, Canada and the world.

It has an open and inclusive environment, welcoming students from more than 25 countries around the world. USB is renowned for its outstanding teaching and innovative research as well as the vast array of services it offers students and staff.

Campus life abounds with social and cultural activities. USB is also within walking distance of shops, restaurants, cafés and supermarkets. A short stroll over the pedestrian bridge spanning the Red River leads to the many culinary and artistic attractions of downtown Winnipeg.

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