Tri-County Canvas

전화번호: 519-688-3958
다른번호: 1-888-375-8277
팩스: 519-688-4603
주소: 39 North St. E., Tillsonburg Ont.
우편번호: N4G 1B4
지방에: 온타리오
지도: 보기 큰지도
Web Directory No.LK-55762-2392
Ms. Wendy Wardle, President, Tri-County Canvas

Wendy launched Tri-County Canvas in 1994 after working in the industry for 8 years. Her extensive experience and background led to steady growth. This has resulted in a move to a 3,200 sq. ft. manufacturing plant that enables the team to produce tarps and vinyl/canvas products of all types, in any shape or size, quickly and effeciently.

In keeping with Wendy's determination to provide a high quality product with fast turn around time, she has increased her staff to 5.

Recently, Wendy had Mr. Tom Langrell join the Tri-County Canvas team in the Marketing/Sales/Customer Service areas.

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