Holland Cleaning Solutions - Sarnia

웹사이트: www.hollandcleaning.com
전화번호: 519-336-5256
팩스: 519-336-4160
주소: 1390 Lougar Ave, Unit B, Sarnia, ON
우편번호: N7S 5N7
지방에: 온타리오
지도: 보기 큰지도
Web Directory No.LK-13962-4848
Providing Quality Cleaning Supplies in Windsor, London and Sarnia

Holland Cleaning Solutions Ltd. is a leading ″one-stop″ supplier of sanitary maintenance, warewash and laundry products to education, health-care, industrial and building maintenance contractor customers with three locations in Southwestern Ontario. Since 1940, we have been factory-authorized distributors for the ″best-in-class″ manufacturers of sanitary maintenance solutions, equipment and disposables. We also manufacture, package and sell our own line of cleaners and specialty products. We have dedicated service technicians that fully support all products sold. Our product offering is of the highest quality and value, combined with our superior service and expertise delivering customers ″Your Total Cleaning Solution″.

** 어떤 정보가 오류를보고 싶다면, 제발, 당신은 페이지의 콘텐츠를 업데이 트하려는 경우, 우리에게 세부 정보를 제공해 주시기 바랍니다.