Drytac Canada Inc.

웹사이트: www.drytac.com
전화번호: 1-800-353-2883
팩스: 905-660-1752
주소: 220 Caldari Road, Concord, Ontario, Canada
우편번호: L4K 4L1
지방에: 온타리오
지도: 보기 큰지도
Web Directory No.LK-20838-5285
Over the past three decades, Drytac has evolved into one of the most highly regarded manufacturers of products for graphics finishing and display, with offices and distribution centres situated across the globe enabling Drytac to serve a truly international marketplace.

Our core product line consists of a wide range of pressure-sensitive, Heatset™ and thermal overlaminating films. In addition, we offer an extensive line of mounting adhesives, backing films, inkjet media, finishing equipment, liquid laminating systems, accessories, and banners stands.

Our Start to Finish Strategy sums up Drytac's unique ability to manage all phases of the customer experience, from product quality and performance....manufacturing and distribution....training and technical support....and the industry's best customer service.

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